Monday, December 17, 2018
Today was the day I worked on the poster all day long in the lab.  It was a stressful day for all the research groups because not only did we have to work on the poster, but there needed to be an agreement between all the parties involved regarding the presentation of the data, photographs, graphs, statistical analyses, and similar other items that are presented in a scientific poster and talk.  I only have one student that is a part of this team; there are two of us so it was not that difficult to come into consensus on what we needed to get done and how to prepare the poster.
So, my blog today is not that much in terms of things to cover.  I worked on the poster and I learned through trial and error how to create the poster and how to import photographs.  That is what I think I liked the most from today, that I was able to learn this software that allows me to create scientific posters, and I had to do it through trial and error.  It was frustrating at times, but afterwards I was glad I got it done and completed this task.


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